Keep in touch with people who talk about ideas and visions and not about the lives of others.
The Union Mountainbike Club Koppl looks back on a 25-year history as a non-profit association with around 300 club members. From ambitious recreational athletes to performance-oriented mountain bikers, we are united by the fun of cycling in harmony with nature. If you or your children are also interested in practicing MTB sports, you can contact us with confidence! We promote respectful interaction with each other and therefore welcome every athlete to our club who shares these principles. The contact form below is available for questions of any kind.
Bank details
Union Mountainbike Club Koppl
Raiffeisenbank Fuschlsee West
IBAN: AT82 3506 5000 2702 0189
ZVR: 732374206
Contact details
Eisenstraße 6b | 5321 Koppl | Austria
[M] +43 680 3041 951