Union Mountainbike Club Koppl +43 680 341951 mtb@koppl.bike

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The future interests me more than the past, because that is where I intend to live!
Albert Einstein!


Mountainbiking in Koppl

If you made it to this website, we share a common interest in mountain biking. You may also be looking to join an existing MTB community. If so, habe a look to further information about our club and our activities under the heading "Infos". Activities include our "Training" or our organised Cross Country Olympic (XCO) MTB race, the "Nockstein Trophy".
We are open to accepting new children, youth, and adults who identify themselves with our club and want to make their contribution to working together. We see ourselves as an integrative sports club and are therefore open to both, locals and newcomers from abroad. If any information of your interesz is missing, simply call the president or send him an e-mail using the contact form.
Te website is presently under relunch. Thus, not all subjetcs have been translated so far. In case of questions, please contact the presentident using the "contact form"!

More Info Training Nockstein Trophy

The Management Board

  • Hermann | President

    Hermann | President

    Riding bike at all day and night time to safe the environment and secure healthiness!

  • Gerhard | Treasurer

    Gerhard | Treasurer

    Sicher Radfahren im Gelände und Straßenverkehr ist für Kinder ein Muss!

  • Sigrid | Youth

    Sigrid | Youth

    Spass haben mit Kids!

  • Thomas | Vice President

    Thomas | Vice President

    Biken bis zum Abwinken!

Deom Image


The most important thing is having fun with your mountain bik. If you want to share this passion with us, then visit us! We exercise in various children's and youth groups. The adults start their rides on Mondays from 6 p.m. in front of the municipality of Koppl (from spring to autumn).


Union MTB Club Koppl
Eisenstr. 6b, 5321 Koppl, AT

+43 680 3041951